Hey guys, thanks for the comments... i made a FREE extremely LOWPOLY version of the models.
Here is the original post i did at the Unity forums

A sincere Thank YOU to the people that purchased the pak! That keeps us inspired to do more and better designs.

For those on a budget, we'll release a very low poly version of the pack named GUN kidz.
Those are the same designs but as lowpoly as humanly possible... less than 100 triangles each, sharing one atlas texture.

What you see below is a comparison of the 45$ GUN PAK (2000 polys each) with the lights on and the free GUN kidz (100 polys each) lights off.

GUN kidz is COMPLETELY FREE and its on its way to the asset store.

You can use the kidz pack in every mobile device, as a pickup model, as a LOD model, as a player weapon in a TPS game or as a placeholder while developing your game... and if you feel you can afford the GUN PAK, please buy it.


If you get them, just open unity, import them, then open the folder and you can get the actual models and textures out tongue