Originally Posted By: Tempelbauer
Thank you very much Carlos for this detailed report laugh
ThankYOU for this great tool!

-Didnt know the define autcomplete was a bug, lucky test I guess

-Just checked my GS install folder and my manuall is not placed there, wierd (I did not change anything in the gs folder). For me it is in the main intall folder and SED opens it correctly with F1. I just made a copy in the directory you specified and it opens, but that is a short help file. The one SED opens when you press F1 (with all the function explanations and stuff) is "acknex.chm". It would be more usefull for it to point to that (or even better if it pointed to the online manuall).

-Ok, option 3 then. I'm just stupid and didnt know how todo works. Works fine just like you said

-customizing the multiplayer-run-feature. in the configs you can change the default server and client commandline arguments of 3dgs-com-multiplayer ("-sv -cl", "-cl") to anet (if you want to use own commandline arguments for the run. or you can empty it for no special arguments on a multiplayer-run

i have to say, that this is a lite-c-syntax-check, but not an engine syntax check. itīs not possible to use the acknex-built-in syntaxcheck for a live-check
Mabe try run the code with A8 to get the log file it creates listing the errors and lines. Then open that log file in a new "sytax error" tab with a different "syntax highlight" mode tailored specially to read that. that way we could also use the "Code-Jumper" To jump from error to error? That would be cool, just like the SED errors but with more functionality after getting the results! Just throwing out some ideas for ya.

Just came up with an idea for a nice new feature. Should be very fast and easy to implement but would be a treat for users...
"Save Project Template" or "Save Project Descktop" or "Include Project files"
The name dosn't really matter, but what it does is save a list of the files open, window positions, work directory, main script file, etc into a separate file. Then all we have to do is load that file and it will open all the files we need (the window positions and stuff like that is extra and not really needed). Opening a group of pre-defined files with just a couple of clicks would be great functionality!

Last edited by Carlos3DGS; 05/23/12 17:20. Reason: Save "Project"

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