okay i have uploaded 2 demo's hope they work fine (coz they do on mine)
my developement on this plugin/demo's is in a horrible state rite now
because i just got some stuff up and working ,theres alot of work to be done
and alot of stuff to add to the plugin im proggressing slooooowly with this

new stuff:
agent to agent(crowd) collision avoidance (VERY early stage ,i just got it working a today..)

debug mesh now can be created in wireframe/solid mode ,so gone is the
drawing of lines that wastes particles and frames

i have a log file up for logging errors from the build process
at this moment its in the root directory of this demo and called "navlog.txt"

i still have to figure out a process of creating navmesh from ent_buffers
or add a wmb loader ,so far my experiments with ent_buffers were very slow
and messed up the navmesh...

Compulsive compiler