Thanks Rojart, exactly what I needed. Thanks to everyone lse too.

Here is what Ive come up with for MY needs, based on what Rojart posted. Works a treat!
#include <d3d9.h>
LPD3DXMESH Panel_Mesh;
void morph_to_3dpanel(ENTITY *entity) 
	D3DVERTEX vbuff[4];	memset(vbuff, 0, 0x04*ent_status(entity,22));
	vbuff[0].x = 10;	vbuff[0].y = 10;		vbuff[1].x =-10;	vbuff[1].y = 10;
	vbuff[2].x =-10;	vbuff[2].y =-10;		vbuff[3].x = 10;	vbuff[3].y =-10;
	vbuff[0].u1 = 0;	vbuff[0].v1 = 0;		vbuff[1].u1 = 1;	vbuff[1].v1 = 0;
	vbuff[2].u1 = 1;	vbuff[2].v1 = 1;		vbuff[3].u1 = 0;	vbuff[3].v1 = 1;
	short ibuff[12] = { 0,1,2, 2,3,0, 2,1,0, 0,3,2 };
	D3DXCreateMesh(0x04, 0x04, D3DXMESH_MANAGED , pvertexdecl, pd3ddev, &Panel_Mesh);
	D3DVERTEX *vb;  Panel_Mesh->LockVertexBuffer(0, (void**)&vb);
	memcpy(vb, vbuff, 0x04*ent_status(entity,22));
	short 	 *ib;  Panel_Mesh->LockIndexBuffer (0, (void**)&ib);
	memcpy(ib, ibuff, 0x04*3*sizeof(short));
	ent_setmesh(entity, Panel_Mesh, 0, 0);
function exit_event() 
{	you=NULL;	while((you=ent_next(you)))
	{	Panel_Mesh = ent_getmesh(you,0,0);
		{	Panel_Mesh->Release();	ent_setmesh(you,0,0,0);	}	}
	sys_exit("");																}
void on_exit_startup()	{	wait(2);		on_exit = exit_event;	}

It generates a simple 2D, double-sided, uv_mapped square as a physical mesh.
(and YES, the back-side is a mirror-image intentionally)
Size is adjusted later on elsewhere by ent_setvertex'ing the 4 vertices...

But Ive got a couple of questions too... (for anyone)
This code is part of a 'plug-in' header file for my (old) 3d-Panels system.
So I want it to be pretty self-contained, bullet-proof, and non-intrusive.

1> You will notice that I run through all the currently loaded entities and
do a "Release" on them ALL. Is this a safe thing to do in a real application?
Or should I ONLY 'Release' the ones Ive created?

2> Is the way tht I hook into the 'exit' event being dont in a 'bad' way?
That is, if you had an existing application already 'somehow' hooking the
on_exit events, would my way of hooking in 'break' yours in a difficult
to find and/or fix way?

3> When performing an ent_remove on an entity carring my custom mesh, do I need
to catch them and do a "Release" myself, or will the engine do it naturally?

4> I noticed in Rojart's code then he doea a 'wait_for(create_house)'... I cant
see any need for this as the function contains no 'wait's. Is there a hidden
need for the wait_for that Im not aware of?

Thanks everyone for the hand...

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