Originally Posted By: sivan
sounds cool laugh

is it possible to use it with terrains or is it really good for block based
labyrinths? I'm developing a RTS pathfinder (dynamic area and tile paths),
things go well, but I would try it out too when ready, if suitable for my purposes,
at least for performance comparison. as I know in Neoaxis and Esenthel game engines
Recast/Detour is implemented, but without any crowd system.

@sivan if the terrains vertices/triangles/indices are accesible yes ,basicly
any geometry which you can have acces to vertices/triangles/indices you
could pass into reccast and expect a navmesh from ,although theres more
to it when handling large areas than simply creating a navmesh ,i have
to look into how to handle large areas i think this will be handled by
multithreading when adding tiles (kinda streaming the tiles in)..
the new recast has build in crowd system with collision avoidance
and steering behaviour ofcourse, but the controll of movement is passed onto detourcrowd
as far as i could understand and theres some limit to the max agents per crowd
i think ,im not 100% on this but still learning the new beast.

@3run thanks man very kind words there. if only i can develope something even
a bit usefull i would be happy ,there should be plenty off people around here
that can continue taking it further to extremely useful stuff, but my developement
on this will continue though.

Last edited by Wjbender; 04/14/12 19:46.

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