the next update will hopefully address some issues ,i have found one myself
lately that needs correction ,but in anyway so far it seems the plugin itself
has no bug yet hopefully ,more lite-c coding faults ,by the way if you need
higher fps then simply only use debug_create_solid_mesh instead of the
lines and border ones since they are resource hungry thats why i added
the solid mesh function since meshes get handled nice by engine and it does not
need to be drawn by us every frame ,engine handles that..
also a frame rate eater is the current demo version of the aibot ,it
generates a path every frame ! i have already corrected that in the newer one
which generates a path only when needed but my next update will take time
because i am adding more than usual..

a error in draw_debug_border i found lately
needs to be

Last edited by Wjbender; 04/08/12 16:31.

Compulsive compiler