Originally Posted By: jcl

ent_fixnormals is not required either, because it doesn't do anything with terrains. It's for models only. Thus, the normals of terrain must be set manually through the nx/y/z values. It would make sense to implement fixnormals for terrain also - in fact I see that it's already on our list.

To make my shader works right, I have also to set the terrain normals manually. To do that, I tried the follow:

c = ent_getvertex(terr, NULL, vertex);
vec_set(c.nx, vertex_normal);
ent_setvertex(terr, c, vertex);

Unfortunately the normals will not be changed... I don't know whats wrong, they all are still 0,0,1 although the normals I calculated have other directions. confused

Please help laugh

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