Originally Posted By: HeelX
Your demo could be even cooler if you would let the user select a MDL and click with the right button to place a guard and with the left button to let the guard walk to the clicked position. This could teach people how to invoke navigation-starts and how to determine the nearest position on a nav mesh from a 3d point in space (or if it is not on the nav mesh).

What I would find interesting is how to save a navmesh and re-use the saved file and if it could be loaded from a buffer (e.g. so that it can be contained in a WRS).

If you could provide a navmesh generation process that takes a wmb with the data of static meshes, models and flags like passable or invisible or so as source, this could become quiet handy!

i was thinking in heading into a point and click scheme like rts games
for the demo but as of this moment for me to progress any further i had
to get up some sort of visual confirmation of the navmesh.
so currently im working on a few debug drawing features,one
of them is to create a visual mesh from the navmesh instead
of just lines and points wich just really takes away
recources, but the mesh would be like any other entity mesh handled
nicely by the engine..
also i remember mikko have created code for this specific need of
finding a point in the navmesh area to spawn whatever needs to be
spawned on the navmesh.

i started out with the idea in mind to directly create the navmesh
from wmb files but at this moment my abilitys/knowledge with gs
is not up to standard yet so i came up with an altarnative solution
im going to add a function that enables people to feed triangles and
vertices into the builder so that it will be limited only to what gs/user
gives acces to,and then just to build on that function for wmb/whatever
support in the future.also another point i just thought about is
to add a build in editor to let users select triangles of meshes
onscreen and to export them to a file wich could be loaded into
the builder again ..

now as for the saving of navmeshes i was leaning towards saving
the already build navmesh data and then loading/parsing it back
into the builder but bypassing unnecesory steps although i have not
looked into it yet im still open to what ideas may come up when
i have reached an improved/functional version,there are so many
things that could change at this stage that i cannot work on
an idea of saving/loading navmeshes(or adding documentation)
but i do think i remember i read somewhere that recast does
not support serializing at the moment.
so yes this is a very intresting point.

Last edited by Wjbender; 04/03/12 18:24.

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