
... i'm using a matrix based water entity that is running lil sinusoidal loop code to undulate the water surface... do you think that another approach might be faster... better... overall when used with the water shader?
also... how are you dealing with shadows?

I dont know for sure what are doing, but i am using a modified version of steempipe's water shader, which is quite simple :
float cos_x=(cos(vecSkill41)*0.1);
float sin_y = (sin(vecSkill41)*0.1);
Out.Bump.xy = ((float2(IN.Bump.x+cos_x, IN.Bump.y+sin_y)* RippleScale)*0.2);

and vecskill 41 is incremenrted in the script like so:


ShaderCount += 0.001;


Then all you need to do is adjust your scaling based on how big your water plane entity is.

As far as shadows go.. I dont have any shadows right now. I plan on eventually trying to implement some kind of Projective shadowing using the Zeraphine Dll if it ever comes out. I would like to see this technique built into the engine though. Or i could also use stencil shadows but they are a pain.