Those screen-shots posted by ratchet are nice.

For me there has to be a balance in graphics and performance. The goal is for nearly 1000 or more ships to be fighting it out at any given time.

I can't say that the graphics will look as good as SC2 but for someone with 0 experience in graphics design except for what I've done so far, not too bad.

The screen-shots of SC2 are however a good example on which way to go. Meaning that, I should do my best to look just as good but not the same.

Multi-player performance is one of my biggest goals.

I do appreciate honest opinions about my current & future screen-shots as it helps to steer me in the right direction of becoming a true game developer. grin

Even though I'm in the process of developing a game, I cannot call myself a game developer until I've built at least one awesome game.

I should have more screen-shots available soon. cool