Originally Posted By: Rondidon

Oh, and don`t use WED and MED for your levels. Make your own detailed models in Blender. And if you can`t: Don`t invest your time in level design. Find a great artist and concentrate on scripting and gameplay.

sorry for off-topic and sorry to rondi, but that is great bullshit wink
just because YOU are good at blender, doesnt mean everybody has to do it that way.
I work only in MED, WED and GED and I love it and my Level Design is great in other peoples opinion.

EDIT: About the game: Game is great how it gets along. Dont, DONT add laser Weapons, or atleast not too many!
cant say much about the leveldesign, but its looks alright, but rondi is right about the skycube, an improvement would kick-ass.

Last edited by chris_oat; 02/04/12 18:58.