Hmm, the only thing that comes close to such a global variable is LBG_mouse_window() which returns the window the mouse is currently over. If the mouse is over no window, it returns 0. Of course, this will only be helpful if the view you are talking about is not on a view.

If your view is on a window, I guess the solution would be going through all LBGUI objects using their linked lists, as described on the intro page of the LBGUI manual. Or, if most of your LBGUI objects are on windows you could cover those with LBG_mouse_window() and the rest manually.

P.S: If I understood you correctly an Abitur would be something like "Selectividad" here. The last and toughest exam (series of exams) before entering university, that conditions what careers you can study and what universities you can go to?

I never heard of the Selectivdad, but what you description of it almost fits the Abitur, too. But if you pass the Abitur you can chose to study anything you like (if the university takes you), unless it's a "Fachabitur" which is more specialized.

I wish you the best of luck on your Abitur!
Thanks! laugh