I'm not sure if I am not understanding you correclty or mabe I explained myself wrong before.

Let's say I have a lot of UI components (created with LBGUI) on the screen. And I also have a separate function that creates an entity in the 3d view when I left click.
What I want is for the entity not to be created when the click is on any of all the LBGUI objects. So if I am clicking on interface elements the 3d objects are not created, but if I click on the view (where there is no GUI element) then the object is created as it normally would.

What I'm looking for is some global variable that I can check if the mouse has a an LBGUI element under it or not.
something like the 3DGS mouse_panel, to do something like this:

   //create entity in 3d view

I have tried to search for a similar global variable in your manual for LBGUI but I can't seem to find an equivalent to mouse_panel.

In your previous example something did draw my attention:
But I searched for it in the manual and couln't find it, so I'm not quite sure how it works or what it does exactly. It might do what I am trying to achieve?

P.S: If I understood you correctly an Abitur would be something like "Selectividad" here. The last and toughest exam (series of exams) before entering university, that conditions what careers you can study and what universities you can go to? I wish you the best of luck on your Abitur!

"The more you know, the more you realize how little you know..."
