Hi again,

I did some further tests:

- INVISIBLE entities are now perfect
- sprites work fine
- wmb entities work fine too!
- entity specific decal shadows do not work
- not possible to apply both decal and stencil shadows in the same level, only one of them can be used at a time (maybe it is wmb property, not compilation fault... I do not really use WED)
- entity bounding boxes are not saved as I see
- terrains get black only when I load it from script, and assign to it a material, what modifies the ambient values. in other cases it is fine. (if compiled from WED, it does not happen)
- unfortunately I could not test terrain shadowmapping, I have now the trial version on my pc but results in "virtual memory too low" or something similar error... frown

some hints for usage:
- to use custom compilation add "-dialog " like this: exec("%EXE_DIR%\\wwmp2wmb.exe","-dialog export.$$M -pal expalette.pcx
- be careful, sun and ambient RGB is used within interval of 0..100, and not 0..255, (and not BGR!)
- fog rgb colors can be added too, like: -fog1 40 38 40 (but fog_color and start and end should be set in script)
- use thread -1 , if you have a single core pc

at the moment I compile with these flags:

Click to reveal..
exec("%EXE_DIR%\\wwmp2wmb.exe","export.$$M -pal expalette.pcx
-az 315 -el 60
-sunrgb 56 49 43
-ambrgb 19 19 19
-fog1 40 38 40
-fog2 71 81 96
-fog3 25 24 33
-fog4 14 15 19
-threads 1
-gamma 1.50
-phongangle 120
-lmambient 50
-sizeshaded 236
-litres 1.00
-litcomp 0.50
-litmax 196
-litscale 0.50
-radsubdiv 64
-radbounce 0
-bound 56000
-fat 64 48 8
-narrow 32 32 0 ");

anyway, great work! a .wmp saving tool would be fun too! laugh

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