hey stromausfall!
i'm asking another time:
could you please change some things in your wrapper?
you simply copied all acknex functions to lite-c, but your wrapper could be much more powerful.
Atm i'm changing a lot of stuff to have faster results.
so some suggestions what to change:

  • Allow users to set vectors per =, not only per vec_set. Some possible solution:
    public Color blueGreenRed
    		return Color.createFromPointer(bluePointer);
  • Please add constructors to your classe. Eg:
    new ENTITY("mymodel.mdl", new Vector(1,2,3), new EventIntPtr(pla));
    new PANEL("pos_x = 5; pos_y =10; flags = SHOW;",6);
  • Add a implicit cast to the Vector class, so we can write this:
    double x = myent.xyz;
    myent.xyz = 4;
    This looks a little weird, but you can now also simply remove this xyz-vector and name it x. This results in the simple gamestudio style:
    myent.x = new Vector(1,2,3);
    double x = myent.x;
    myent.x = 4;
    Vector k = myent.x;
  • Add a Tag property to all objects (like in WinForms), so we can store custom objects into the engine objects
  • Also you could split the class ENTITY into ViewEntity and WorldEntity, so we can differ also in code and it will be much clearer what is used.
  • another thing what would be nice: remove all prefixes of the class functions. this looks simply strange. much better would be this:
    Entity myEnt = new Entity("lalala.mdl",new Vector(4,5,6),null);
  • Also if you change the constructor thing, you can add this constructor to Entity:
    public Entity(string modelFile, Vector position)
    Because sometimes we don't need an entity event or we manage those things ourselves, so we don't need this parameter.

Would be really cool if we could see some of my suggestions in the next version of the wrapper!

Greetz Felix

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