Thanks gri, it was the pixel instructions that failed on this terrain's DDS texture.

There's a new version, now with basic terrain deformation tools (it's the same brush, just check "Deform" - deformation is not saved for now), custom/ easily exchangeable textures and a simple automatic blendmap generator (the result can be seen in the picture below), just press [H].

Originally Posted By: readme
== TED v0.25 ==

The primary focus of this tool is the creation of blendmaps.
You can LOAD terrains (hmp) and models (mdl) but most features only work with terrain
(don't try to deform a model).
Currently, 4 textures are supported but I'm working on support for 5 textures.

Suppose your terrain is called "terrain.hmp". Then the program will look for
"terrain_blendmap.tga". If that file does not exist, an empty blendmap will be created.
Entity-Skins are ignored (for now), you will have to use the textures on the right-hand
side of the screen. You can replace them with Shift+Leftclick on the thumbnail.

If you press SAVE, your blendmap will be written into "terrain_blendmap.tga" and the
4 skin texture names and their scale factors will be saved in "terrain_config.txt".
Terrain deformation will not be saved, yet.

== Controls ==

Right Mouse + WASD - Camera (accelerate with Shift)
F1,F2,F3 - Switch Brush Mode
Mousewheel - Change Brush Size

## Paint ##

Left Mouse - Paint
Left Mouse + Ctrl - Paint Opaque/ Ignore Layers
Left Mouse + Shift - Erase
1,2,3,4 - Switch Channels
Left Mouse + Shift on Texture - Replace Texture (Dialog Window)
H - Basic Automatic Blendmap Generation

## Deform ##

Left Mouse - Raise
Left Mouse + Shift - Lower
Left Mouse + Ctrl - Smooth
Space - Recalculate Terrain Collision Hull
(this should be done after a few deformations,
otherwise you will notice the marker's offset)

== What's new? ==


- Basic DEFORMation mode, results cannot be saved for now.
- Many Bugfixes
- Custom Textures
- Save Feature
- Create a height-dependent Blendmap automatically with [H].
- Change Brush Size with Mousewheel
- circle preview marker and other small things


EDIT: Blendmapgenerator and deformation only work with hmp.

Last edited by Superku; 12/20/11 18:17.

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