Originally Posted By: Error014
Haha, I wish I was always able to do that!
I guess I felt too embarrassed in older posts of mine that one day I finally learnt my lesson and started to not write posts angrily (or, if I must, only allos myself those kind of posts when they're written very, very cynically, so as to make sure they at least provide some kind of comical value [to me, if my humor isn't your kind of thing]).

As far as relativity goes, I had to give a small (bit more than an hour) presentation about general relativity back in November (with a ~10-page handout to go with it), so I had to learn all that stuff back then.
Personally, I never really "got" special relativity the way I did when I correctly did the basics for general relativity. For anyone who's looking for a great book on the subject thats easy to follow (yet still a "science"-book, so there's lots of formulas and math-talk), I can highly recommend Sean Carrolls book "Spacetime and Geometry". Maybe the library of your local university has it, if you want to take a look.
It's easy to follow, complete and well-written (he actually only claims that things are trivial when they are! Anyone who read a mathbook will know what I'm trying to say here).
By the way - the twin paradox is in there, too. And fills about half a page...


What's going on in these hiring threads?

However, THATS a thing I've noticed, too!

It seems that the intention of going into game development has changed, and quite a lot, too. A few years ago, it wasn't so much creating commercial games and having commercial success, but rather creating the "dream game", or trying out new fun stuff.
Nowadays, everything seems to be connected to a business-scheme. It's almost impossible to find free help, too, contrary to how that used to work.

So... maybe unlike the "general" indie-community, this one shifts to a more... market-, or money-orientated place...
Not trying to judge here... really only making the observation.


Oh, screw this. I'm going to judge: I find that sad. It seems so much less pioneer-spirity, less friendly and way too businesslike.
But I guess quite a lot of the active members here weren't there back then... and some of those had those other targets in mind back then as well. Which, again, is fine, just different.

Lol, kinda hard to make the dream game without electricity or a home;)p