
You can use ZBrush just fine. Create your 'simple' terrain using the Plane tool in ZB. Then save that as your base mesh. Then divide it a few times to get a few million poly's. Paint and sculpt (but not TOO drastic sculpting...your detail sculpting is going to be a displacement map). Once you have it the way you want, create a displacement map of it; it will be 'greyscale', and save out your texture map. Now, in Med, import a landscape texture, using your displacement map, at whatever triangle count you want, then apply your texture map as a base texture. Use a multishader for your ground details and wham bam thank you Ed McMahon...you have a texturized terrain.

...well, that's the theory anyway. I've never tried it yet...don't use A7/8 anymore...but it should work. laugh


Paul L. Ming


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)