Ah ok, I did not know that I have to enter "".
Shooting feels pretty satisfactory, although the recoil is a little rough. Instead of increasing the camera.tilt, try sth as follows:

if(shoot) camera_recoil = 10+random(5);
camera.tilt += camera_recoil*time_step;
camera_recoil = maxv(camera_recoil-7.5*time_step,0);

The sniper rifle does not have any recoil at all when you shoot in zoom mode. I've shot a small and big caliber this year in Canada, the big one of course kicks you like a horse but even the small one makes it impossible to stay on target when you shoot, no matter how tight you hold it.

The free space movement is a very nice gameplay element, the moment when you release the shift key though it does not feel very good right now. Instead of simply falling down (what does not make much sense) I would suggest you let the player keep flying in space in the direction of the last thrust.
Imagine you jump off a platform (in space) and boost yourself into one direction for about a second. Now you can freely rotate the camera around but you keep flying in the direction of your previous boost, that is in the direction of your absolute velocity. When you now press the thrust key again and point in another (or the same) direction, you add some velocity to the absolute movement, if you've played lunar lander you know what I'm talking about.

vec_add(absolute movement vector, temp);
vec_normalize(abs vector, minv(vec_length(abs vector),50);

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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