I never dig very far in Script and used lot of pre made code !
So perhaps i'm wrong ?

3DGS should do like Unity in a next WED version : Allow custom panels easy programming.
Like that we could find all amazing custom plugin tools you can find with Unity 3D :

2D Toolkit

Visual Scripting

Rage Tools

Easy Raods Tools Video

And theres lot lot more tools ...

For someone wanting some specific task for making a game ,
Spending from 5$ to 99$ depending on complexity and aulity of the tool, if you make money that's a good investment.
And it avoid you to re invent the wheel each time : productivity.
If it existed the Sprite Tool like it exist in Unity, it is so complete i would buy it for sure.

I think A8/A9 future will depend on that for survive.
We could see lot of different tools appera like sprites, terrain etc ...

Perhaps i'm wrong ?