I set for my PH_HINGE entity boundaries like this:
pXcon_setparams2(entity, vector(-5,5,0), NULL, NULL);

So, it is a relative rigid hinge constraint. At some point of time I want to free this constraint, I then use
pXcon_setparams2(entity, vector(-360,360,0), NULL, NULL);

When I call pXcon_getposition, I get the upper and lower bounds, and I can see, that they change from +/- 0.087 -> +/- 3.141 as I wished, but no matter how I turn my hinge entity, I can't overcome the old limit of +/- 0.087 --- it looks like you set the new bounds properly, but it is not transmitted into the physics simulation?.

I tried to check the PhysX source, but it was too obfuscated there and I don't know PhysX at it's core very much, so I am sorry for not finding something there smile

P.S: please see this as well

Last edited by HeelX; 09/22/11 20:03.