Thanks, I will upload a clip when I've made a jetpack level.
There are big cubes placed in WED that seem to be, I don't know, approx. 8x8 small blocks because of the texture. When a rocket explodes, I simply delete and subdivide big cubes (that is ent_create smaller ones), nothing too special. I don't use physX for my game.

Again, a new video. It shows the first 5 levels of the game before you enter the big main tower (they are lacking details, I know). If you have watched my previous video, you can skip the first level (~80secs) because I didn't change a lot there, and I don't expect that you watch the whole video. Nevertheless, here's the link:

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends