there are two types of events :
one that uses 'EventHandlers' like EngVar.on_mouse_left, an example for this is shown in one of my previous posts !
the other type only allows one method to be called, for example the Panel.event_ property :

// the method to be called when the panel is clicked
    static void PanelEvent(IntPtr p)
        // get the clicked panel
        PANEL thisPanel =

        // change the color of the clicked panel
        thisPanel.bmap.bmap_fill(new Color(200, 0, 0), 50);

// the main method called by the scheduler
    private static IEnumerable<ScheduleMethod> MyMainMethod()
        // create a red panel and make it visible...
        PANEL p =
            PANEL.pan_create(null, 24);
        p.SHOW = true;
        p.size_x = 100;
        p.size_y = 100;
        p.pos_x = 300;
        p.pos_y = 300;
        p.bmap =
            BMAP.bmap_createblack(100, 100, 32);
        p.bmap.bmap_fill(new Color(0, 0, 255), 50);

        // assign the method to be called when the panel is clicked..
        p.event_ =

        // use the mouse !!
        EngVar.mouse_mode = 4;

// the entry point of the program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // load an empty level
        EngFun.engine_open(null, null);

        // start the scheduler

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