a) It does not support the European keyboards

No comment

I stumbled across this issue more than once when i tried to find my way into Gamecore. I have even reported it as a problem. So it`s well worth a comment.

b) Poor documentation

Also Unity3d documentation is rather poor for the price

Even when this would be true, does this make the lack of documentation for Gamecore any better? But it is wrong anyways.

Unity basic is free. That for the price. We have a wiki here, we have a completed manual including full scripting reference, we have a working community that produces tons and tons of questions and answers every day, we have tons and tons of free professional written turorials out there, we have tons and tons of professional produced video tutorials out there. Even the dumbest newbie question gets answered and solved. It is very easy to pick up and very easy to learn Unity.

Gamecore had a totally incomplete, and never completed manual, a handful of bad documented tutorials of how to use the Editor. And that was basically it. It was simply impossible to pick up this engine and learn it. It was the first gamemaking tool where i finally gave up. This experience has cost me around 450 Euro when i remember right. Gamecore was not free at this point ...


c) Angel script

It is a good OO scripting language

But a bad gamemaking tool language. Especially when it`s this bad, or better undocumented as it was in Gamecore.

By the way, Gediko is working on a game now instead, and has officially given up at Gamecore. And already promised at the new page that Gamecore was not the last game tool he has made. I count this as a menace.

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