a new version was uploaded (for Acknex 7.85.4 AND Acknex 8.20)
the update of the wrapper includes:

- updated to 8.20
- the wrapper can be used without the scheduler - using the Conditional compilation symbols (VS2010) value "NO_SCHEDULER" ("A7_WRAPPER" can be used beside "NO_SCHEDULER" !)

here's the link:


when using the wrapper without the scheduler, references to used delegates have to be stored ! Additionally WrappedDouble, WrappedInt and WrappedString objects are introduced, they have to be used in order to interact with certain methods like pan_setneedle etc... These objects are needed, because WITHOUT a scheduler, the creation/deletion and updating of such variables isn't done automatically ! Additionally no more IEnumerables have to be used, if the scheduler isn't used !

here's an example, providing an overview on how to use the wrapper wihtout a scheduler and how the WrappedDouble is used :

Click to reveal..

using AcknexWrapper;

namespace NoSchedulerTest
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // opening the engine
            EngFun.engine_open(null, null);

            // limit frame rate
            EngVar.fps_max = 60;

            // load an empty level

            // create a player entity
            Player player =
                new Player(new Vector(100, 0, 0));

            // create and keep the reference to the delegate as long as it is needed !
            WrapperDelegateVoid onSpaceMethodDelegate =

            // assign the delegate to the EngVar variable
            EngVar.on_space =

            // create a panel
            PANEL sliderPanel =
                PANEL.pan_create(null, 1);
            sliderPanel.SHOW = true;
            sliderPanel.size_x = 300;
            sliderPanel.size_y = 100;
            // allow mouse interaction
            EngVar.mouse_mode = 4;

            // create bitmaps, to be used in the slider
            BMAP sliderBackground =
                BMAP.bmap_createblack(200, 40, 24);
            BMAP sliderKnob =
                BMAP.bmap_createblack(20, 60, 24);
            sliderBackground.bmap_fill(new Color(255, 255, 255), 100);

            // the value to be read and modified by the user AND the engine
            WrappedDouble wrappedDouble =
                new WrappedDouble(50);

            // create the slider

            bool keyEnterHasBeenReleased = true;

            while (EngFun.engine_frame() != 0)
                // interaction in the rendering loop
                if (EngVar.key_enter == true)
                    if (keyEnterHasBeenReleased == true)
                        EngVar.sky_color.blue += 25;
                        EngVar.sky_color.blue %= 255;
                        keyEnterHasBeenReleased = false;
                    keyEnterHasBeenReleased = true;

                EngVar.sky_color.red = wrappedDouble.Value;


        // interaction using EngVar key events
        private static void OnSpaceMethod()
            EngVar.sky_color.green += 25;
            EngVar.sky_color.green %= 255;

    public class Player
        private readonly ENTITY PlayerEntity;

        /// <summary>
        /// the delegate has to be referenced to, as long as it is used !
        /// </summary>
        private readonly WrapperDelegateVoid PlayerRoutineDelegate;

        public Player(Vector position)
            // create the entity
            this.PlayerEntity =
                ENTITY.ent_create("_CUBE.MDL", new Vector(100, 0, 0), null);

            // enable triggering of the event function, every frame !
            this.PlayerEntity.ENABLE_FRAME = true;

            // create and store the delegate
            this.PlayerRoutineDelegate =

            // assign the event method/delegate
            this.PlayerEntity.event_ =

        // interaction using on_frame
        private void PlayerRoutine()
            double speedOfPositionChange =
                2.5 * EngVar.time_step;

            if (EngVar.key_a == true)
                this.PlayerEntity.y += speedOfPositionChange;
            if (EngVar.key_d == true)
                this.PlayerEntity.y -= speedOfPositionChange;
            if (EngVar.key_w == true)
                this.PlayerEntity.z += speedOfPositionChange;
            if (EngVar.key_s == true)
                this.PlayerEntity.z -= speedOfPositionChange;

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at http://acknexwrapper2.matthias-auer.net/ or visit the thread