Originally Posted By: Redeemer
I still believe the idea of immortality is silliness, and I just thought of a good reason why:

Assuming the universe is trillions of years old, life at least as complicated

uhhhhhhhh its not. its ~15billion years old. I havent finished reading though.


im talking in consequential and inconsequential since we are pushing both fields. some scientist are working on storing conciesness in an electronic way on a computer, while others are working on cures to aging in general. I'm more convinced that the first one is the closest to have any likelihood near our lifetime. but yeah 15 billion years is not enough time to be "sure" there was enough life already created to contact us, or that they were intelligent enough to create the technology/gather the resources to get here yet.

Last edited by lostclimate; 06/30/11 23:47.