Hi !
From what i can see, there are two types of materials in the shader library :
Predefined Materials
Predefined Surface Shaders

for an example of how to load a Predefined Surface Shader (a shader that uses a .fx file) follow this link to an example (there is also a download link to an example) : shader example

If you on the other hand want to assign a Predefined Material, then you only have to assign the corresponding EngVar. Here's an example :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using AcknexWrapper;

namespace ShaderTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            EngFun.engine_open(null, null);


        private static IEnumerable<ScheduleMethod> MyMainMethod()
            // load an empty level

            // create a cube (_CUBE.mdl is a predefined model - CUBE_MDL in lite-c)
            ENTITY cube =
                    new Vector(60, -20, 0),

            yield break;

        private static IEnumerable<ScheduleMethod> CubeMethod(IntPtr p)
            ENTITY cube =

            // now assign the standard metal material
            cube.material =

            // change the ambient vector of the standard metal material
            EngVar.mtl_metal.ambient_red = 255;

            while (true)
                // rotate the cube
                cube.pan += 2 * EngVar.time_step;
                cube.tilt += 1.5 * EngVar.time_step;

                // wait one frame
                yield return 1;

Last edited by Stromausfall; 06/04/11 07:53.

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at http://acknexwrapper2.matthias-auer.net/ or visit the thread