You are right, DOF did eat-up a lot of fps &, since I am not able to tweak it, I decided to exclude it at this time. As for unified color of the background I am using red, it seemed/seems to fit o.k.

My work on J,J&BUM is a bit slow this month because I'm finishing up a personal project that I've been working on for a long time, but nevertheless there are some news:)

First, the problem with visual compatibility between platform & open-terrain levels is now resolved: I gave up on reddish material in platform levels:)
Second, since the DOF effect is problematic because I can't tweak it nicely & because it's heavy on the fps I decided to exclude it for now, at least until the good solution can be found.
Third, I will try to replace HDR with regular Bloom if I find one that will fits o.k.
Fourth, I went a bit too far with lowering the colors & in making the game partly more realistic then it should be so I added the toon outlining:) Now it has a nice semi-realistic texture/color style but also toon-like appearance:)
Fifth, I removed the previous sky system because it was not resetting itself properly when game is restarted, leaving the sky completely without the clouds, & because it was eating away fps like there's no tomorrow:) I added my, temporary, sky solution that I believe is adequate.

Here are some screens of the new solutions:


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