I'm proud to present my Superku reboot, what's basically a spinoff of my long-time Superku project. Where the latter one is a jump'n'run action adventure, this project is a hardcore platformer:
One hit death, no checkpoints, unlimited continues, 50+ levels from easy to incredibly hard, including destructible and fully ROTATING levels, some boss fights and special stages.
All graphics are WIP or placeholders:

(click to enlarge, ignore the colors)

(click to enlarge)

Even though Superku only has ~1/4 of the abilities he once has had, the gameplay is way better than before and I won't stop improving it until the game is released.

(click to enlarge)

A pretty long gameplay VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOZVFg9PAFU

The "old" Superku (which will be renamed to Superku World) is on hold until this one is done, the adventure is just too big and takes too much time currently. It is not abandoned, I already have a rather complex story for three Superku World titles (even though it's astronomically unlikely I will get to make all of them). (This title does have a (simple) story, too.)

Please tell me what you like and esp. what you dislike!
(The levels are too empty, I know.)

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends