
I've uploaded the J, J & BUM Chapter 3 Version 2 rar (in 3 parts) to SkyDrive:)

I was hopping to have that chapter finished by now but unfortunately the new, second version of the Fortress is still only partially done:( The levels with finished geometry & gameplay are 1, 2, 3 & 5, level 6 has finalized geometry but missing gameplay, and levels 4, 7, 8 & 9 are still to be redesigned.

The main modifications that I've made in code are related to rotating doors that must be opened with >E<, enhanced Illusion Spell that is now almost gameplay-compatible and number of small, mostly HUD-oriented or prop-oriented changes. Next level loading, restarting & dying no longer has error messages & it seems to be fully functional.

As for music & audio effects, Ivan finished most of the work so the Fortress chapter now has almost all needed files, only few sounds are missing like character voices & death sequences:) The new things concerning the music are two battle themes & two dramatic themes that can be switched during gameplay in levels 3 & 9.

I made a video of a small enemy bug that is happening when there are two enemies going from chase to walk at the same time..

..and also made a short video of how the level 5 from chapter 3 looked in his first & last version:)

I will also post some screens as soon as I get around to it.

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