Originally Posted By: Germanunkol
I hate how he says "it's really early on in the making of it". Gamers just don't realise the work that goes into indie projects. They don't realise that the message system they're using to type their chat message took a week to develop.

Is there a group somewhere for "indie developers that have spent much more time on a project than YOU would ever imagine"? If so, I might join.

I feel the same way. Here's a typical conversation between me and my older brothers:

Me: "Look at this thing! It took me 7 months to build. It's very rough around the edges, but can you see how I did XYZ to accomplish ABC and how elegant a solution it was?"

Them: "It's not glorious or exploding with special effects yet, therefore it sucks."


BTW, I just noticed that in that photo of PC Gamer KarBOOM is listed right under Minecraft! You're bound to get attention by just being on the same page as that game. laugh

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!