Great progress, and great commercial quality coming game laugh

Now my personnal impressions :
- first screens that don't use a red color look lot better than the last ones (specially for the car level).
- Textures look somewhat poor !
Why not using a mesh instead of terrain using a normal map
or more simple, a detailled 1024 or 2048 texture terrain with baked normal map ?
- Why not adding some trees, some plants ?
- The terrain recover some parts of the fortress strangely,like a door of the castle ???
People would have not construct a door that could not be open, or perhaps it have been some cataclysm ?
- The particle effect, looks a bit exagerated sometimes, you
can't the car, perhaps make it more thin or make it going
from the top sides ?

Keep up the good work laugh !

Last edited by ratchet; 04/06/11 08:59.