I've uploaded a patch for J, J & BUM Forest Chapter (Chapter 4 Level 1) with lightmaps for towers, new textures with more complementary colors for vegetation & terrain, and also enhanced car model with additional geometry & steam particles that are coming out of the engine:) I'm not so happy with how the steam is behaving when car speed is high but it's not visually unacceptable:)

I also tried to add the same materials that I'm using in Fortress chapter but, somehow, it's not really working for this level:(

I will have to find a way to have similar visual impression in both chapters but without the use of the reddish materials for drive-through level. At this time I have no idea on how to do this:( Also the Shade-C DOF is, so far, untweakable for this level, everything is waaay to blury when I try to use it:(

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>>>>>>> by Pavle Nikolic <<<<<<<