
Finally, after a long (a LONG) time I'm uploading & posting some new things to SkyDrive & Artist's Corner:) The all-rounded-up and finalized Fortress chapter will be done by Monday but now I am posting chapter 4 level that represents the new chapter/level concept that George & me talked about. It's a first person drive-through level that breaks a platforming concept after every 9 levels. The J,J&BUM chapters should look a bit like this:

1.Tutorial (Txesmi's tutorial level)
2.Dungeon (regular 8+BossBattle)
3.Sewer (escape with steam-engine wooden boat from the dungeon region)
4.Fortress (regular 8+BossBattle)
5.Forest (escape with big steam-engine car from the fortress region)
6.Mansion (regular 8+BossBattle)
7.Mountains (chase BUM with mechanical-steam flying-helicopter to his castle)
8.BUM's Castle (regular 8+BossBattle)
9.Swamp (get to the Swamp Castle by riding on the giant turtle)
10.Swamp Castle (Big BossBattle level)

So, there are still 3 regular platfom-like chapters & 3 fps levels left to do. Unfortunately the game team is at this time a bit low on artists:( Thanks to Felix, Martin & George the main parts of the game code are almost done & Ivan is working very intensely on finishing needed music & audio effects, but, as for visual part, we are running very, very low on content:( I believe that the main problem is related to the nature of modeling/texturing/lighting of geometry which is incredibly time-consuming process.

So I guess, in a very (extremely:) near future, we will have to find at least one more member for the art team interested in making level geometry. When I talked to George about this issue we had an idea that I could make a sort of level-sample geometry for each chapter that the team member can use/modify or create similar geometry that is complementary to the given sample. That will save him much time & unify the levels visual approach.

Uploaded work represents my level solution for J, J & BUM Forest Chapter (Chapter 4 Level 1). I have hoped that I will have 90% of this level/chapter (since this is the only level for this chapter) finalized & functional but unfortunately I came across some severe problems with lightmaps & few other things:(

Things that are missing from this level:

2.Tree & grass models/code solutions are still to be implemented.
3.Main car model is not done.
4.Level lighting is temporary.
5.Enemy routine & models are not done.

Concerning the music themes, Ivan composed two different songs that you can switch between by pressing M key. It would be nice if you can gives some feedback about which one you preferred:) As for audio effects, he was busy with the Fortress level but he managed to finish SFX for the engine & horn. Other effects are muted & will be replaced as soon as all required Fortress SFX are finished.

Screens of the 4th chapter so far...


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