Memset is C and its allocating a block of memory to the heap.
sys_malloc is a predefine in gamestudio. malloc and new is supposably slower and is to C what sys_malloc is to gamestudio. You can click and read the description in gamestudio. Explains it better then I can.

Basically you are creating a pointer to your struct. Then your allocating a block of dynamic memory to hold the data that is stored in your struct and now that it's safely tucked away in memory you can save it with game_save.

Here is actual code from my game and yes it is this easy.

typedef struct PLR
   var p_STR;  //Roll 3D6
   var p_CON;  //Roll 3D6
   var p_DEX;  //Roll 3D6
   var p_SIZ;  //Roll 2D6
   var p_INT;  //Roll 2D6 + 6
   var p_POW;  //Roll 3D6
   var p_CHA;  //Roll 3D6
   var p_PHY;  //Roll 3d6
PLR* plr;//create a pointer variable called plr used in game_load() see main.

//make stat struct saveable
function p_save_struct()//create a function that will dynamically hold the contents of PLR struct.
	PLR* new = sys_malloc(sizeof(PLR));//create a pointer variable called new(call it whatever you want), get the size of PLR struct and point to it.
	memset(new,0,sizeof(PLR));//allocate memory for it on the heap.  Remember there is stack and heap?	
	add_struct(new,sizeof(PLR));//add the size of the struct PLR to add_struct, making it game_save() saveable.
	return new;//now return the value of new so that p_save_struct is worth something

void main()
plr = p_save_struct();

Last edited by paracharlie; 03/21/11 02:09.

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