In my opinion this is not a phylosofical problem or a sort of circular reasoning
This is a serious scientific question

First of all statistics clearly show that it can not be just a matter of chance
Should our universe be the only one then the probability that all the parameters assume the right value, by chance, is ridicously low ( we are not talking about 1 % )

The probability of exixtance of other form of life is also extremely low
Should some parameters be slightly different than the universe should be a ball of fire or a cloud of thin dust
Hard to believe that life can exist in these conditions

The multiuniverse is the only solution
Our universe is just a bubble in a boiling pot of billion and billion bubbles
It is the only solution unless you dont believe in God

Even though I am not a religious person I must admit I was embarassed , reading some scientific articles on this topic
Scientists claimed " Since God does not exist then multiuniverse is the solution "
It seems to me that Science use , in this csse,a dogmatic approach