Two and a Half Men is one of the only sitcoms other than Seinfeld that I will actually sit down and watch, and he was in Platoon and anybody associated with that cinematic masterpiece is automatically awesome. So I hope he does pull it together and comes out ok because I just don't want him to die. Hookers and the like is fine, getting yourself killed is another story...

But onto everybody judging him and celebrities in general, their lives are just like ours and they go through all the same problems as us, yet people watch them like they're gods or something. I don't get it, they're just like you and me and yet no one gives a shit if a family member of mine dies, but when some celeberty's dog gets eaten by coyotes it's on a magazine cover. Big deal; why should I care?

I think anyone that reads tabloids and what not is just plain nosy. Their personal lives are no one elses business and we shouldn't be judging them differently from anybody else.

Well there's my rant.

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R.I.P. Dave Williams