Version 0.2.4 adds online rounds. Unless you're in "no limits" mode, cars can only be added between rounds, so it might be best to have relatively low limits on the rounds so there's less waiting for newcomers and more winning for whoever ends up thrashing everyone else (whether it's time, score, or life limit).

There's nothing visually different about this version, really, except for slightly different menu options. But here's a screenshot anyway. I like colours.

The server list is still lite on information -- the next update is planned to give you more info (such as game mode and host location), but until then this should be good.

This uses UPnP so most users will be able to host without having to even think about the words "port" and "forwarding".

A lot changed to have online rounds work, so I'm nervous of bugs.

Please let me know how it goes, what you think, and so on. The next version (with its extra server and game info) will hopefully be the last one before the level editor.

Tell all your friends and all that jazz.



Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!