Hey guys,

This update is not being shouted across the internet. If you login using this update, you'll be informed that a new version is available online, but this is incorrect -- I just haven't changed the online information because this version is for testing rather than mass distribution, and don't want people logging in to 0.2.2 (as if that happens a lot) thinking a new version is available.


Thanks to JustSid for pointing me in the direction of some helpful UPnP code laugh

This version adds new features as listed in the README, but doesn't have the complete feature list I wanted the next version to have. When creating a server, KarBOOM will automatically attempt to set up port forwarding. I'm not sure how well this works. On my machine I have had no errors, and the function returns all the right values. But I can only test it if there are people to play.

I've set up a host. Please try to connect. Also, if you haven't been able to host before because you don't have port-forwarding working, it'd be great if you try hosting with this version and let me know how it goes.

UPnP works on most routers but not all. But it's supposed to work on mine, and I'm not sure if my implementation will work at all.

Thanks for trying it out.

There are a bunch of other nice features in this update for you guys anyway.

Here's the relevant part of the README:

- Option added to remember login details.
- Online games can now take place in either the large
  dirt patch or small dirt patch.
- KarBOOM will now automatically open ports when hosting.
- Keyboard-controlled cars steer more responsively to match
  gamepad-controlled cars.
- The appearance of check-boxes has changed to help
  differentiate them from normal buttons and input fields.
- Labels above gamepad-controlled cars no longer show the
  wrong number.
- Blinking cursor no longer becomes part of the submitted
  input under certain conditions.
- Function keys and cursor keys no longer interfere with
  text input.
- Chat messages, host's scores, and the name of the last
  server played are now purged between games.
- A server marked as having connection trouble will be
  unmarked once a client makes a successful connection.
- Logging out of the menu now properly logs the player out,
  removing "play online" from the menu if they choose to
  play offline.
- Master volume settings no longer interfere with Windows
  volume settings.
- Victory conditions option appears when creating a host,
  but the options don't do anything yet.


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!