For me, the key input reaction was slow, too. Reaction time was about half a second, which is a problem in this fast game! It felt better last version as far as i remember.

Also, I had a bug in the serverlist: After disconnecting and refreshing the list immediately afterwards, the game hung for a few seconds, then displayed the first server with strange characters, and didn't show the player count. I could still connect to that server, though. Refreshing didn't help, only restarting the game.

Also, when hosting my own server I had the name of the last server I had connected to as standard server name (I could still change it though).

I also had the chat and the score from player 1 from that server after my own server was set up! That definitely needs a fix!

Also, another user from the US opened a server but I couldn't connect. He said he activated DMZ on his router, routing all ports to his computer. However, I'm using DMZ too and he could join on my server.

You should find a way to save the user name or even the password, as its a bit annoying to type them in again every time.
Apart from this, I'm looking forward to play a few rounds wink