Seriously. Why was support for AABBs dropped? I'm trying to iron out the collision bugs in G.R.U.N.T.S, but they are unstoppable. Ellipsoids are incredibly unpredictable. They get stuck so easily that you have to wall up your entire level with invisible borders, or the next thing you know, your player entity is trying to climb into that mouse hole!

The Quake engines still use the AABB system for a reason. It's reliable, easy to manage, and accurate. You can't get your stomach caught in little holes in the wall because your BBox sticks out a little in the middle, and size adjustments can be made on the fly to easily accomodate features like smoothly walking up and down stairs and ramps.

So why has the AABB system been replaced with this repulsive OBB system?!

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!