
Q: What level editors do you guys use?

A: I generally use/d QuArK. I did just recently (a few days ago) purchase 3D World Studio. It's not bad overall, I really do like it's light mapping (even if it takes a coons age for decent sized levels), and it's terrain tool isn't too bad (limited, but still good enough for most base terrain).

In my "perfect world", QuArK would have the ability to import GROME II terrains/textures/objects, and I could do light mapping with something like gile[s] as some sort of PlugIn to QuArK. Of course, there would be a full A8 add-on for QuArK so I could build, assign behaviours, make paths, build and run from within QuArK.

Alas, my perfect world isn't going to happen unless I win the lottery. *crosses fingers* laugh

For true 3D programs: I use XSI and Lightwave.


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)