Originally Posted By: ventilator
regarding hiroshima and nagasaki... i don't quite get why it was necessary to wipe out two cities instead of demonstrating the bomb on some empty area.

There are several theories around the atomic bombs, the common one is that the US had very heavy casualties on Okinawa and thus needed some way to force Japan to surrender, otherwise the casualties on the Japanese homeland would be much much higher (at the end of the Okinawa campaign the reinforcement died mostly a few hours after arriving at the front due to almost no experience and training, thus the US had to wait a long time after Okinawa to come back to full strength, giving Japan also time to reinforce).

Beside that, some experts think that the atomic bombs weren't needed as the constant shelling of Japan from air and see was already enough to force Japan to surrender after a few more weeks/months but the US government still wanted to demonstrate the strength of the new weapons.

Anyway, its part of our history and nonsense to discuss it. Fact is that it stopped the most brutal war and we should be thankful for that.

Now you can all bash again about the definition of terrorism and who should die for whatever reason.

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