Originally Posted By: Redeemer
Please. The bombing of Japan was not a terrorist attack by any stretch of the imagination. It was our (correct) response to Japan's refusal to surrender.

Responce to civilian? You think this is response?

or this

or this?. That's just diabolic.

But... Ah! i almost forgot! America is not guilty right? That's dolphine and whale!

Originally Posted By: Redeemer

It's not like we abandoned them after the bombing, either. They agreed to surrender, we raised up a new government for them based on freedom, democracy, and capitalism(!), and then let them grow into the economic GIANTS they are today! Just think about it: Toyota, Nintendo, Sega... Those companies which have been completely stimulating the worldwide economy would've never existed if we hadn't set Japan straight. Left to itself, Japan would be nothing but a dictatorship.

You are typical american. Congrats!
A:-Hey there little japan! I must kill you. But don't worry. When you are die, your economy blablabla, democracy blabla bla
and bla. Oh and i'm not terrorist btw.
J:-Oh. That's okay.. Please kill me. i need some nuke. And thank you.

A:-Hey there little iraqian! I must kill you. But don't worry. When you are die, your economy blablabla, democracy blabla bla and bla. Oh and i'm not terrorist btw. and could you tell me where is the f.cking WMD? (Weapons of Mass Destruction )
I: bla?

How old are you btw?