I say "we" simply because its easier to type than "America" all the time. Besides, I am an American.

I'm not a patriot. Personally I think America is going down the tubes, and if it gets real bad, I want to jump ship ASAP. I'm not completely blind to the way America is heading today. I have my own beliefs and views on that. And concerning the bombing of Japan during World War II, I think we made the right decision.

Only thing to say is: Look at vietnam ... It is not a failing country.

Official exchange rate of Vietnam (est. 2009): $102 billion
Official exchange rate of Japan (est. 2009): $5.391 trillion

5.391 trillion / 102 billion = aprox. 53

Japan's economy is about 50 times larger than the economy in vietnam.

Admittedly, Japan has had more time to grow. There's a 20 year gap there in war recovery time. But in the early nineties, Toyota, Sega, and Nintendo still existed and were still in very big business.

Look at Iraque .. after invasion -> failure

The war in Iraq played out just like the Vietnam war. It would've been successful if the American military had been able to do what it needed to do to win. America lost the Iraq war through politics. During World War II, everybody supported the war effort, right down to the three stooges. But you don't see any of that for the Iraq war...

people always say things like japan attacked us first or osama attacked us first, but that is completely untrue..

Um. Japan DID attack us first. Ever heard of Pearl Harbor? America wanted to be neutral through the war. And then Japan attacked us without warrant at Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. That's when the war began for America.

Eats commas for breakfast.

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