According to you, at which point does the relative aging process (making A older than B) occur? During flight? The cruise time?

The aging process occur during the whole flight

Since both clocks are at the same place (on earth) when they compare them this result is nonsense... something has to happen during turning back

Your scenario is exactly what I meant but, in my opinion, you draw a false conclusion

Before explaining my point of view,let's make a simple consideration :

a) a mission to mars : departure - 1 year flight to go - turning back - 1 year flight back - landing
b) a mission to juppiter : departure - 4 year flight to go - turning back - 4 year flight back - landing

Following your reasoning the time shift ahould be the same but in case b) it is higher than in a)

Having said that, my point of view :

The two twins have been living for a period of time in different " time / space domains" which caused the de syncronization of their clocks
The logical but non intuitive explanation of this effect has been already discussed
Once the twin is back, his clock remains desyncronized
This effect is described in the special relativity whereas both twins are in a inertial system ( exactly the same system according to the Galileo's definition of inertial system)
Therefore there is no reason to emphasize the concept of "inertial " system

Someone claimed that the scenario of the special theory is not realistic due to the fact that in the reality the pilot must reverse his velocity

Ok but such kind of abstractions are normal in pyisics !
You can figure out a realistic scenario whereas the effect of turning acceleration / deceleration are negligible
The velocity is , in the equation, in term of : V^2 thus the sign does not play any role

So let me ask you a question: How - with which formulas, which theory - would you describe the change of flight direction from "away from earth" to "towards

You must apply the theory of general relativity
I agree with you and Error00014
But in my opinion you and Erro014 missed, so to speak, "The big target"
In other words
To explain the time shift in a real situation you dont need to evoke "inertial system" and all that stuff which are redundant or even deceiving
The " essence" of the twins paradox lies in the special relativity

Last edited by AlbertoT; 02/07/11 18:14.