Originally Posted By: GorNaKosh
I played a few rounds 1on1 and had really some fun! Animations and graphics are really nice. But I think there have to be some adjustments for the gameplay:

- The movement and mouse are a little bit sticky. Slower speed while strafing sucks! There have to be an Option for setting the mouse sensitivity.

- In the free camera mode strafing with A and D was inverted for me.

- I'm not really sure about the noise in the shooting script. I stand 3 or 4 meters in front of a wall and shoot with single shoots while aiming. The hits were in a region with the size of a human head. Because of this critical hits over long range are very uneffective. So everybody is rushig and shoots very much - lower tactical component. Its to you, don't know whats your aim for the gameplay.

- Further I had problems to recognize enemies behind me before I get shoot. Maybe some sound adjsutments? And then turning arround and aiming in an acceptable time - very hard! (mouse sensitivity...)

So thats it. I think discussing about this kind of optimization shows the good basic of this project. But with the shooter genre you have a few standards to consider!

Keep it up! wink
GorNaKosh (alias Skar)

First of all, thanks for you time and for playing.

- Yes I will add running while strafing. Ok, I will add a mouse sensitivity option on settings.

-Yes, already solved.

-Actually if you shoot single shots instead of holding the button the weapon is more precise, but maybe the precision loss is too small, I could increase it.

-Sounds from others are 3D sounds, the problem should be on the sound system itself, let's see what OpenAL will be able to do.

Originally Posted By: Random
Yes, youre right, the bullets do not make much damage.
And I think you should be able to duck and crowl.

But I still love it !

I implemented duck and crawl, but I didn't like the result and removed it.

Last edited by painkiller; 02/06/11 20:04.

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