I couldn't quite beat the weekend, as the last feature (show who's in the game) took longer to get working than I thought). I'm hoping and praying this works smoothly on everyone's PC, and that it's fun!

Here are the changes straight out the README:

- Servers are now informed when clients are unable to
- TAB can be used to cycle through input fields (such as
  Username and Password), and ENTER as a shortcut to
  submit the information.
- T can be used as an alternative to ENTER to bring up
  the chat box. ENTER is still required to send the
  message for obvious reasons.
- Press F5 to toggle between a large window and small
- Press F6 to take a screenshot. This was always available,
  but undocumented until this version.
- Press F11 to show the framerate when in game, and the
  latency when taking part in someone else's online game.
- Lobby now shows how many computers are have joined each
  game, as well as the maximum number of computers allowed.
- Extra menu option when online to see how many cars are
  on, and who's online.
- The algorithms for covering up lag have been improved.
- The camera zooms in less quickly when cars blow up or
  are removed.
- Unimportant messages (such as a successful login) will
  close themselves after a few seconds.
- Changes to lobby system hopefully prevent crashes on
  users using Windows XP.
- Hosts can now receive messages without clearing their
- Input from German keyboards is now handled correctly.
- Username and Password can use punctuation characters.
- The number of computers that can join is now limited to
  the number of cars that are allowed, to prevent lots of
  spectators joining and using up the host's bandwidth.

I'm yet to add a "remember me" option in the login panel, but I do agree that it should be there. That'll be in a future version.

Please test it out like crazy. I'm not sure I can host, since I've been having trouble getting port-forwarding working, but I'll see what I can do.


EDIT: Players still using 0.2 (who haven't given up on it yet) should find that upon logging in they are informed that a new version available online.

EDIT2: Had a game with Superku and SchokoKeks -- everything went very smoothly! SchokoKeks apparently experienced no lag (Superku was hosting), while being on another continent meant I did experience some. There were no crashes, and German keyboards had no problems.

Last edited by JulzMighty; 01/31/11 23:12.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!