Survive! is a multiplayer shooter in the spirit of “Serious Sam”, but with creative building using wooden crates. Bloody, but cartoonish. You and the other players are trapped in a remote desert and are being attacked by waves of monsters. You need to pile up crates and react fast to defend yourself. The game can be played with 1 to 8 players, the difficulty will be adapted automatically.

Official server is Online.

Youtube Video (720p HD)

- 26. 01. 21:00 - Hotfix released to fix the buggy movement. failed..
- 26. 01. 23:00 - 2nd Hotfix (V0.602) released, should fix the movement once and for all!
- 29. 01. 23:59 - Released 0.61 after some problems. Includes healthpacks and respawning

Download (56 MB), version 0.61
Download the newest version from my blog

Help and Key Assignment:

WSAD - move
Rightclick - pick up and drop crates

To get a new weapon, walk over its small crate and use the mouse wheel to change while you are NOT reloading.

Click to reveal.. (More Help)


WSAD - move
leftclick - shoot
rightclick - pick up and drop crate
mouse wheel - switch weapons
space - jump
t or enter - chat
tab - see scoreboard and playerlist

How to play: (you don't have to read this, its self-explanatory.

First, go to "Options" and set your player name.

To start playing, click \"Join Online Server\". You will be connected to the main server. After connecting, you are in spectator mode.
To enter the game, press the left mouse button. You will find yourself in the center of the map. You can move and look around using the WSAD-Keys and the mouse.
The crates around you can be moved to build up a defence against the incoming monster horde.
To pick up a crate, position yourself in from of it and press the right mouse button. If you look up now, you will see the crate you are carrying. Press the right mouse button again to drop the crate.
You start with a revolver as your only weapon. As the game progresses, new weapons will be dropped in the world. Get near the crates containing them to pick them up. You can then switch weapons using the keys 1 to 10 or your mouse wheel.

Good luck out there, watch your back!

This is the first release after my redesign. Its in Alpha phase, meaning that not all of the planned features are in yet. There will be bugs. Balancing might be needed. Here's a list of my plans for the next milestone, version 0.7:

- Improved weapon handling, changing accuracy on movement etc
- Less lags on movement through time synchronization between server and client
- more powerups
- 2 more Weapons
- A few more enemy types
- Server list and LAN mode
- and possibly a better crate placement system

I'll try to play with you as often as possible, the server will be online 24/7 for some time. You always need the newest version to connect. I'm open for all suggestions and bug reports, but please don't spam about the graphics!

Have fun playing!

Thanks to dark_samurai and Lukas for ANet and LBGUI.

Also note: The first posts here don't represent the current version anymore. There is very little lag now, the game is playable!