has potential, havent played with anyone yet but i see potential, suggestions:

- run by default and let walk be the button you need to hold
- ability to be running in all directions, not just forward and back
- jump, crouch might be optional but if you dont do them, you need another manuever, climbing up stuff? rolling? something to make combat more diverse, walking around isnt enough to make the game skilled based, if you do them though, i suggest a stamina meter to prevent abuse such as bunny hopping
- rework the shooting mechanism, it might be ok NOW for testing but useless for a real game, i noticed i could shoot around walls when i was nowhere near the edge, your tracing from the camera alone? if yes? not the best idea for a TPS
- your spread doesnt work yet ? i havent noticed any accuracy loss when running or not
- reloading alone is a punishment, stopping them while reloading? omg.. evil,d ont do that tongue

[optional for now]
- camera effects, bullet tracers

thats it for now, oh, that particle fire eats fps wink